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5 Post(s) Found
Cell phone safety
If you use your cell phone for 17 minutes a day for 10 years, it is associated with a 60% increase in brain tumor risk accroding to reasearch by Joel Moskowitz, director of the UC Berkeley Center for Family and Community Health.Moskowitz published his study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, showing that cell phone radiation can increase the risk...[ Read More... ]
Health Department warns to keep your smartphone out of your pocket and away from your bed
California Department of Public Health (CDPH):"Although the science is still evolving, there are concerns among some public health professionals and members of the public regarding long-term, high use exposure to the energy emitted by cell phones," said CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer Dr. Karen Smith. "We know that simple steps, such as not keeping your phone in your pocket and...[ Read More... ]
PET scans: healthy brain (top), Alzheimer's (bottom) - Red areas indicate tau deposits.
One single night of interrupted sleep increases brain proteins which are believed to cause Alzheimer's disease, researches reported in a study published in the journal Brain Monday.  Sleep helps the body clear away these compounds, amyloid and tau, while interrupting sleep may lead to a compound build-up."When people had their slow-wave sleep disrupted, their amyloid levels increased by...[ Read More... ]
Contact lens mistakes that can lead to eye infections & possible permanent damage
It's advice that has been on the various doctor tv shows and made its rounds on the news before, and probably also mentioned to you by your eye doctor if you wear contact lenses.  It's on the news again via the U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and it's good to know if you wear contacts.  The CDC found that in the 1,000+ contact lens-related infections reported to a...[ Read More... ]
Letting baby cry it out: lose/lose
Your baby can talk - you just have to learn their language until they learn to talk in yours.  This pediatrician article says it's a lose-lose situation for parents and babies if not responding to a cry and just ignoring it:By not responding to the cry, babies and parents lose. Here’s why:In the early months of life, babies cannot verbalize their needs. To fill in the gap until the...[ Read More... ]
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