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Lafayette, Louisiana: Friends Karen Bowers and Jeanette LeBlanc shucked and ate about two dozen raw oysters.“About 36 hours later she started having extreme respiratory distress, had a rash on her legs and everything,” Bergquist said.“An allergic reaction of sorts, that’s what I would call it. That’s what we thought,” Bowers added.(via KRON4, "Texas woman dies...[ Read More... ]
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Visalia, California: It's flu season, but not everyone with flu-like symptoms have the flu. 12-year-old Alyssa Alcaraz showed the signs of the flu and it was just assumed she had the flu since the flu has been so widerspread. Unfortunately that assumption delayed the prescription of antiobiotics which she really needed. It wasn't until Alyssa died that they found out she...[ Read More... ]
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From the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) and in the news this week:Illnesses reported to FDA by owners and veterinarians in dogs that have eaten bone treats have included:Gastrointestinal obstruction (blockage in the digestive tract)ChokingCuts and wounds in the mouth or on the tonsilsVomitingDiarrheaBleeding from the rectum, and/orDeath. Approximately fifteen dogs reportedly died after...[ Read More... ]
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On Thursday the billionaire owner of Insys Therapeutics was arrested and charged for bribing doctors and committing insurance fraud for the illegal distribution of Subsys, a Fentanyl under-the-tongue spray, meant for cancer patients. Federal charges include: racketeering, conspiracy to commit fraud, and conspiracy to violate the Anti-Kickback law.The indictment:"As alleged, these executives...[ Read More... ]
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Tagged subsys | fentanyl | Insys Therapeutics | Anti-Kickback law | doctors bribed | narcotic | opioid | insurance fraud
At the Ohio State Fair, one of the riders injured, Abdihakim Hussein, 19, recalled what happened in the deadly incident:Hussein and his girlfriend, 20-year-old Hannah Sallee, were riding beside the car that came apart when they noticed the floor of their car lift up."I was like, 'That's not supposed to happen,'" she told ABC News. Then, the car next to them broke apart."When the piece broke...[ Read More... ]
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Vitamin C given intravenously is different than orally; it can nfluence the immune system's response to inflammation, says Dr. Berry Fowler, researcher at Virgina CommonWealth University in Richmond. And the clinical results support it.via "Doctor Turns Up Possible Treatment For Deadly Sepsis"Dr. Paul Marik, chief of pulmonary and critical care at Eastern Virginia Medical School,...[ Read More... ]
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There are a lot of health benefits for babies breastfeeding, from absorbing antibodies to help babies fight off viruses and bacteria, to lowering their risk of having asthma or allergies. Babies who are breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months, without any formula, have fewer ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and bouts of diarrhea ("Breastfeeding Benefits for Mom and Baby -...[ Read More... ]
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Got prescribed antibiotics? CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) published new data in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that at least 30 percent of antibiotics prescribed in the US are unnecessary. This can prove to be not just not beneficial, but harmful, such as getting Clostridium difficile, commonly known as "C-difficile" or...[ Read More... ]
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